To choose the right skin care system, there are a few key questions we should answer.,.,” Why do we need a skin care system anyway?,” What does a “proper” skin care system do for our skin, and of what does it consist?,” Why should you understand skin care ingredients?,” Why should you choose non-toxic products?,Why do we need a skin care system anyway? Everyone has skin! The first thing people generally see when they meet you is your face. It’s the first thing you see in the morning when you head to the bathroom. When the skin on your face looks good, we feel good; we make a great first impression; we look and feel younger. So we really should have a skin care system that helps us put our best face forward…pardon the pun!,To help you understand our skin needs, here is a quick skin tutorial. The skin has three primary layers: The epidermis, the dermis, and the subcutaneous tissue.,The epidermis is the very thin outer layer of the skin. Its primary purpose is to protect. The stratum corneum is the outermost layer of the epidermis. Because dead skin cells from the stratum corneum are continually sloughed off and replaced, the skin can completely renew itself every three to five weeks. Melanocytes is another group of cells in the epidermis. They produce melanin, which is the pigment responsible for skin tone and color.,The middle layer of the skin is the dermis. This is the layer where collagen and elastins, important skin proteins, are housed. Collagen forms a framework for the dermis, while elastins give our skin resiliency and elasticity. When they deteriorate with age, however, wrinkles appear. Oil is produced in this layer, in the sebaceous glands. Oil production lessens as we age or when we over-expose our skin to the sun, also contributing to wrinkles. If we over-dry our skin with the wrong skin products or tanning abuse, our skin’s oil production may go into overdrive and produce an excess of oil, resulting in acne.,The innermost layer of the skin, the subcutaneous tissues, consists of collagen and fat cells, creating a fatty layer that protects the body from trauma and cold. It also provides an energy reserve in its fat stores. As we age, this layer can shrink, causing our skin to sag and wrinkle.,You see, there is more to taking care of your skin than just washing your face. A skin care system should work in the layers of the skin to keep it protected, hydrated, firm and acne free.,What does a “proper” skin care system do for our skin, and of what does it consist?,A “proper” skin care system will give the optimum care to your type of skin. There are four basic types of skin: dry, normal, combination and oily. Dry skin usually has invisible pores, is dry, tight, and often flaky, with several surface lines. Normal skin generally has small pores, without any visible shine. It is healthy and comfortable with an even tone and smooth texture, with some surface lines. Combination skin presents with medium pore size and is characterized by an oily or shiny T-zone, with dry, tight cheeks. Individuals with combination skin usually have some blackheads on the nose and chin, with very few surface lines. Oily skin will have large pores and often have visible oil or shine all over the face. This shine often appears shortly after cleansing. Blemishes and breakouts are more common with this skin type, but generally have no surface lines.,As you can see, each skin type has its own unique challenges to address, not to mention the various problems skin can have, i.e. rosacea, hyperpigmentation, etc. A “proper” skin care system will not only be right for your skin type, but should also be able to address any additional skin problems you may have. That’s a really tall order, but it is possible.,All skin care systems should have four basic components: cleanser, toner, serum and moisturizer. Use these four components in a five-step skin care process.,” Gently cleanse your skin to remove dirt, makeup and impurities without overstripping the skin. Be sure to use lukewarm water, as hot water over-dries and cold water closes the pores and traps in dirt.,” Gently exfoliate as you rinse the cleanser from your face by lightly rubbing it with a wash cloth. Be careful around your eyes, as the skin is much more delicate and thin. You can do this once a week and work up to several times a week if you need to. I feel there is no real need for an exfoliant product if you have the right skin care system.,” Toning your skin helps keep it clear and firm, gives it the first layer of protection, and enhances the absorption of the serum and moisturizer.,” Serums are very popular these days, and rightly so. They deliver concentrated amounts of nutrients to the skin, giving it what it needs to repair and renew.,” Moisturizers do more than just hydrate the skin. They also safeguard the skin from environmental stressors and provide that final protective barrier.,Using these four components twice a day will lead to healthier happier skin.,Why should you understand skin care ingredients? As you investigate skin care products, ask yourself these questions. Are the ingredients active? Do they have significant capacity to stimulate skin regeneration or renewal? Are the active ingredients present in significant amounts? Are they stable in the chemical environment of the particular formula? Do they stay active during typical shelf-life or do they degrade by reacting with air or other ingredients? Does the formula allow the active ingredients to penetrate the skin well enough to be effective? Do the inactive ingredients interfere with the effect of the active ingredients? Do they have the potential to harm the skin or cause allergic reactions, irritate or dehydrate skin, clog pores, etc?,Optimal skin care products should contain one or more active ingredients in effective concentration. Inactive ingredients shouldn’t interfere with active ingredients. They should also provide safe and adequate preservations, stabilization and delivery into the skin. All ingredients should lack significant potential to cause skin damage.,Why should you choose non-toxic products? As I’ve shown you in my previous articles, toxins in skin care products absorb into your blood and deposit in your cells, causing various kinds of health problemssuch as cancer, heart problems, migraines, etc.,So, look for a “proper” skin care system that will address your specific skin care needs, without harming your body with a bunch of toxic chemicals. Your skin deserves it!