Thanks to new developments and new understanding of the field of acne treatment, it is possible to become acne free. In many instances, natural remedies can help to win the battle.,The dream of being acne free seems an impossible scenario for anyone who has had problems with outbreaks of whiteheads, blackheads and infected follicles. In the past, acne sufferers had to rely on harsh soaps and scrubbing under the mistaken belief that acne was caused by poor hygiene and failure to keep the skin clean or by improper eating habits and food choices. Nowadays, it is clear that the causes of acne are much more complicated than oily skin and chocolate bars. You can take advantage of some simple tips to help you reduce or eliminate the physical appearance of acne lesions.,Drink Extra Water,One of the methods that you can implement to help you become acne free is the simple act of making certain that you drink no less than 8 glasses of water daily. The water in your system helps the operation of both your digestive system and your circulatory system. When these operate efficiently, your entire body will be in better working condition. When the cells of your body are properly hydrated, it has far reaching effects in overall health, including that of the skin. When your body is functioning correctly, it is better equipped to fight off infections from bacteria such as the organisms that cause acne.,Reduce or Eliminate Cosmetics,Cosmetics, particularly those that are oil based can be a significant factor in causing acne. If you want to be acne free, you should select all your cosmetics carefully. Acne caused by cosmetics is known as acne cosmetica and is sometimes found in people who do not suffer from acne except that caused by the cosmetics themselves. Cosmetic acne doesn’t cause scarring of the skin, but it is unattractive with a rash like appearance of small white bumps where ever the cosmetic in question is used. The best way to eliminate this type of acne is to quit using the cosmetic that is causing the symptoms.,Cleansing and care,Being consistent about care and cleansing of the skin is the best way to become or remain acne free. There are many products that can be used in this process, but it’s important to be regular and to use only products that are gentle, non-abrasive and proven effective through controlled studies. Products that make use of salicylic acid provide a powerful and effective treatment to reduce blackheads or other acne conditions that are not inflamed.,Hands Off,Finally, to remain acne free, the sufferer should learn to keep the hands away from the acne lesions. Because any break in the skin is an invitation for infectious entry into the blood and lymph systems, touching or squeezing blackheads or pimples can bring the bacteria from the hands directly in contact with the acne lesions. The acne sufferer must break him or herself of the habit of touching the face. This includes leaning on a chin or cheek, playing with an earring or rubbing the forehead or chin. You should also wash the hands before touching the face or treating acne breakouts.