Let’s face it–we all want to learn how to get rid of wrinkles and look 10 years younger. We enjoy the psychological benefits of growing older–more wisdom, more accumulated life experience–but we can certainly do without the gradual deterioration in our body, and our skin.,The wrinkles you see spreading across your face are due to a decrease in collagen, an essential skin protein that serves as the “glue” that connects other bodily tissues. Collagen works in tandem with elastin, another protein, which, gives your skin its elasticity. As we age, the amount of these proteins present in our body decreases, resulting in the fine lines and baggy skin that we wish to eliminate.,To get rid of wrinkles and look younger, follow these three simple steps.,Forget about collagen injections–they aren’t necessary. An anti-wrinkle skin care cream proven to jumpstart the production of new collagen is all you need.,As part of my daily regimen, I use a natural anti-aging cream that’s been scientifically proven to increase skin elasticity by almost 50% in less than 21 days. It’s made a dramatic difference in my appearance.,UV radiation is a major reason for prematurely aged skin. It speeds the spreading of wrinkles and brown spots. No anti-aging cream can compete with the damage that excessive sun exposure causes.,To supplement your anti-aging skin care regimen, start reducing your exposure to sunlight, and make sure to apply a sunscreen before you head outdoors. Keep to shady areas, too.,Free radicals deteriorate skin and accelerate the appearance of aging. A healthy dose of antioxidants can neutralize these free radicals, resulting in a more youthful, smoother complexion.,To get rid of wrinkles and look 10 years younger, you’ll want to use a skin care cream with a high percentage of potent antioxidants. Even better is a natural skin cream like the one I use, which actually stimulates the body’s own antioxidant activity, for a powerful, double whammy effect.,Your next step? To put these tips into practice today. Your complexion will look younger and smoother than ever.

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