With the help of upper arm lift cosmetic procedure it is possible to tighten up loose upper arm skin which usually occurs as a result of weight loss or aging conditions. The surgical procedure for removing excess upper arm skin is also known as brachioplasty.,Tighten Your Upper Arm Skin through an Excellent Surgical Procedure,When you lose weight or when age overcomes you, the upper arm skin may become more and more flaccid. By doing regular exercises it is possible to bring back the original muscle tenor of your upper arm. But exercises will not help in tightening the flabby skin around the upper arm. If you wish to maintain your young appearance, upper arm lift would be an ideal surgical procedure to undergo.,Upper arm lift surgery is carried out under general anesthesia. Incisions are made on the inner or back portion of the arm. In extreme skin conditions these incisions are made from the armpit to the elbow in order to detach the maximum quantity of extra skin. For removing the surplus fat in the upper arms, occasionally arm lift combined with liposuction is implemented by the surgeons. The major advantage of arm lift surgical treatment is that it tightens the tissues, and the skin around the upper arms will become smoother.,Important Points about the Surgery,The ideal candidates for this cosmetic surgery are those persons with superior health conditions and normal body weight with drooping skin on the upper arms. The surgery can be completed within one or two hours. This procedure might result in minor side effects such as infection, swelling chronic pain and bruising. These discomforts will disappear within three weeks after the surgery. The patient can return to his normal activities within two weeks.,Approach an Experienced Surgeon,Upper arm lift plastic surgery for tightening loose skin should ideally be carried out by an experienced surgeon. This will avoid further risks and complications during the treatment. Before undergoing the surgery it is necessary to meet the surgeon along with your previous medical reports. It is also important to disclose your requirements and the results you are expecting from the treatment, so that the surgeon can decide on the right procedure that will give maximum benefits.

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