Facial moisturizers and face creams – Why most are dangerous: The ingredients is usually the culprit. Read this article and take seriously the information that you probably are not aware of. You will like the conclusion, so cheer up.,How Does a Facial Moisturizer Work,A face cream should replace, or at least assist, the natural oils that are supposed to be there. Most face creams and moisturizers are mostly water and petrolatum, petroleum jelly or “manufactured grease”. Petroleum is a by-product of crude oil and so is gasoline. It clogs up the skin’s pores and can do more harm than good. Yes, I know it feels good on your skin but it is not good for your skin.,Department Store Over the Counter “Junk’,I know you won’t like this but most of the expensive over the counter cosmetics aren’t worth the jar they come in. Yes, they smell good and feel good but the ingredients are many times harmful.,Usually quality is sacrificed for the sake of profit. Costs and overhead are a necessary part of any business but to put out an ineffective product to save a buck is inexcusable. It is even “criminal” to charge an outlandish price for it, but it happens. Most of the skin care products contain, as mentioned, a crude oil by product but also something called “paraben”. Read the label and you will see usually a word ending in -paraben. A paraben is an ingredient that acts like a preservative to give the product longer shelf life. Seems harmless but parabens have been found in breast cancer patients. So beware.,Skin Care Suggestion,Think of this. Probably you eat good food and are careful what you put in you mouth. What about your skin? Wouldn’t it be nice that what you put on your skin is as safe as what you eat? What we eat should be as natural as it can be, not synthetic. Same goes for your face moisturizer or face cream. It should be free of synthetic, parabens, petrolatum etc. Here is what you MUST use on your skin, face or anywhere on your body.,Functional keratin is the ingredient your skin should not be without. Keratin is in your body and it needs it. Functional keratin works like the keratin in your body. It is not some synthetic harmful ingredient. It is patented, safe and effective. So where do you get it?,Now don’t be fooled if a skin care product lists keratin as an ingredient. Probably it is a cheap synthetic type that is useless. Functional keratin is a live natural protein not an imitation look alike. Functional keratin, also known as Cynergy TK, helps make new skin which reduces fine lines and deep wrinkles. Personally, from my research and usage, there is none better at any price.,Yes, I watch TV too. We see and hear all kinds of skin care solutions that will make you beautiful. These companies advertise heavily but usually have a very poor or even unsafe product. Don’t fall for it.,When they add the advertising costs to the location costs they have to markup the skin care product price out of sight to make a profit. There is a better way.,Most people don’t have the time or will to research any kind of product before they buy it. I do and will continue to look for the best. Most believe the advertisement message. I don’t. I check it out. I found one reliable source that has good prices and safe and effective face and skin moisturizers. Their products work or I wouldn’t say so. Thanks for reading this sometimes blunt article. But you should really get what you pay for. I do or I send it back. For more information see http://www.AHealthyRadiantSkin.com -Margaret Bell