Each day all of us loose at least 50-100 strands of hair. This is our natural rate of hair fall. But when we start loosing hair more than that, is really a matter to be given second thoughts. Loosing too much hair each day may bring in premature baldness, which is not at all desirable for any one of us. It is much a mental disaster than a physical one if any one is loosing hair at an early age. Moreover if it ultimately results in the disaster of premature baldness, the person is sure to fall into deep depression.,Therefore, it is essential for us to pay a little bit of extra attention to our hair. To keep this problem away from us we need to follow certain steps for the prevention of loosing too much hair. Below are given some easy remedies to prevent hair fall.,These are some tips for controlling hair fall. But we should always keep in mind the fact that eating a balanced and healthy diet has no substitute. The main nutrition to our hair is supplied through our diet. Therefore, the supply of nutrition through the diet should always be maintained. As most of the dermatologists and hair experts suggests blow dryers should be avoided by every possible means. Hairstyling should always be done when dry or damp and by no means when wet. And finally we should avoid as far as possible any type of chemicals like colors or dyes.