Wrinkles are usually inevitable as you age many times you can prevent some wrinkles from forming on your skin with daily routines and healthy eating. While this won’t prevent all wrinkles it will take them longer to appear and give you a few more years of healthy, youthful looking skin.,Foods:,Choosing the right food to fight wrinkles can help you keep your younger looking appearance. For fruits and vegetables try to eat fresh and raw as much as you can. Tomatoes, red peppers which contain vitamins A and Vitamin E will help keep your skin moisturized and prevent some wrinkles. Fresh fruits such as oranges and carrots should be part of your daily healthy diet they contain vitamin C which is used by the skin to keep it anti aging. Bananas are rich in vitamins that your skin craves. Kale is high in iron which the skin needs. Fresh blueberries are loaded with antioxidants and will help repair your skin if you eat them.,Fish and seafood should be a major staple in your healthy diet. Omega-3 acids will not only keep the skin hydrated but will help with inflammation of the skin. Salmon is loaded with Omega 3 acids.,Green tea includes antioxidants that if you drink it several times a day will help your skin looking healthy. Not only will green tea give you the antioxidants that your skin needs, it will also help keep it moisturized.,Creams and moisturizers,If you are like many of us there isn’t enough time to really eat properly. You can but creams and moisturizers that will supply your skin with ingredients that are absorbed such as zinc, copper and iron. You can find good creams and moisturizers over-the-counter at almost all stores read the ingredients to find the ones that will work the best on your skin.,To make a homemade facial scrub, use plain oatmeal, the kind that you find in the cereal isle at the grocery store. Mix with water to make a thin paste. Massage it into your face and leave it on about 20 minutes. Rinse with plenty of clear water. This natural face mask has been used by my grandmother for many years with amazing results. After rinsing it off, always apply moisturizer.,While these homemade tips may not prevent all wrinkles it will help you feel better and have the younger looking skin many extra years. Skin care has to start when your in your teens to have healthy, youthful looking skin throughout your life.