Skin firming face creams-why they don’t work is not to say that all of skin firming face creams don’t, some do. But very few face creams do. Why?,Ingredients Are The Key,Petrolatum is one of the reasons that skin firming creams don’t work very well, if at all. Petroleum jelly is spin off by product of crude oil. It originally felt good to the oil field workers hands and later put into mainly skin products. “Feel-good” doesn’t mean it is good. Among many reasons, one is that it ‘clogs the pores’.,Many consumers have become increasingly aware of the dangers of petrolatum. Since that is the case it is often used under another name: mineral oil. (liquid petrolatum). Mineral sounds “naturally” good but it is still a crude oil by-product that has cancer related suspicions. Don’t use it. There are better choices.,Ingredients That Are Safe,-Grape Seed Oil,-Avocado Oil,An excellent ingredient for skin firming is grape seed oil. It is an antioxidant, which means it combats those free radicals that do cell damage. Free radicals can cause wrinkles. Another very good ingredient is avocado oil. Avocado oil is best used at bedtime since it is a little heavy for using during the day.,The goal in skin care is: If you look younger – you will feel younger. Firming skin or tightening skin is necessary to smoothing out skin wrinkles.,A good way, if not the best way, is to grow new skin. Protein helps do this. But as we age, skin doesn’t restore as it did when younger. The body skin needs help to renew skin growth. Nutrition is vital. Applying a skin firming cream with healthful nutrients is essential. Also taking a good fish oil supplement will help inside and outside of the body.,Why Some Skin Firming Creams Don’t Work,Many heavily promoted and highly recommended skin care products are just junk and could do harm. You see them on TV and at high end department stores. The reason I say “JUNK” is that they are primarily synthetic. The body knows the real thing and certainly knows the imitation ingredients.,Here is a word you want to remember: PARABEN. It is in all kinds of products, especially skin care. Parabens are used to promote longer shelf life. The caution comes in that they have been found in breast cancer patients. As of this writing, no direct connection has been made. But for now, be safe. Read the label. If it says, “Paraben” put it down and walk away. There are safer products available.,Best Choice,Parabens are used unnecessarily as a preservative. But vitamin E is the natural and safe way to go. Look for it in your skin firming cream. Vitamin E used with grape seed oil extract makes an excellent face cream that really works well.,Fragrance Warning,Fragrance is a common word on labels. For what purpose is a fragrance? What is in a fragrance? Who knows? The law doesn’t require companies to tell. Usually they are just cover ups for the foul smelling ingredients in the skin product. Sometimes parabens are hidden in fragrances. Remember just because it feels good doesn’t make it so. Neither does sweet smelling odors.,Fragrances can set off allergies or just irritate the nose and skin. Watery eyes, itching throats and sneezing binges. One place you don’t need or want scratchy irritation is around the neck and eyes. Stay away from parabens and fragrances and your health will appreciate it.,For a skin firming face and neck cream to be the best, it should contain absolutely zero parabens and fragrances. It should have no synthetic ingredient of any kind. Synthetics are made to produce cheap priced products to make us think we are getting a good deal when we are not. For safe, effective skin firming creams and skin care products that really do work safely, see my website listed in the box below. You will definitely learn more there then you ever will at some department store demo. Thanks, Margaret Bell

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