Pimples and scars are different forms of acne which can be seen on the faces of any person who is in his/her teenage years. Every person is conscious about his looks and physical impression. It is general observance that acne has the power of reducing the level of confidence in a person. This is because today’s world values appearance than the internal self. This situation is generally seen among youngsters who are already in their growing ages and have a lower level of self confidence. Therefore acne treatment is very much essential.,One line answer to the question how to get rid of acne fast is to stay natural. Natural treatment can treat all the problems like pimples, scars, blemishes, wrinkles, whiteheads, spots and blackheads etc. The basic reason behind skin problems is the blockage inside the pores of the skin and sometimes even stomach problems like indigestion etc. Not just this there are various other reasons also which results in causing acne. So everything has to be done step by step. The very first of all is the detection process. You need to detect the case behind pimples.,If it is due to constipated stomach then nothing better that fruits and vegetables can solve your problem. Fruits are rich is essential nutrients which are helpful in detoxifying the entire body. It helps in cleaning the stomach which is most of the time a cause behind all kind of problems. Papaya is the best one among all the essential fruits. And if we consider vegetables then green ones are suggested like spinach and cucumber etc. The person needs to intake them in good quantities so that the entire body gets cured and even the natural glow is restored. But everything can be done only with a change in your diet intake.,The most suitable time to get started with your schedule is your very first meal. Have a lot of water early morning. You can even have lemon along. Both of them act as the best detoxifiers and helps in cleaning the entire system of the body. It is also helpful in improving the skin complexion. The very next thing you need to do in your step by step process of skin cure is the intake of banana or papaya right after the intake of your meal. It helps a lot in improving the entire body and treating skin problems.,Another most important thing to be done is to stop having alcohol. Coffee is also said to be a cause behind acne so you should not have coffee to at least in process of treating skin disorders.,Apart from them some precautions are also required to be taken for treating skin problems: